Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Thematic analysis on dante's inferno Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Thematic analysis on dante's inferno - Essay Example The poem illustrates that human wisdom is vain in the face of spirituality. The poem guides the audience through the circles of hell that contain people that would be otherwise virtuous according to the perception of human beings. Numerous individuals, who were virtuous atheists, appear in the Limbo section of hell. These virtuous individuals did not welcome the Jesus Christ’s spirituality into their lives. They had chosen to live in life by relying on their distinct wisdom. Without baptism, these individuals had lacked the insight and hope for an ideal that was beyond human comprehension. This castle has the wisest men who professed considerable intelligence while living on earth. For instance, the Castle includes Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato. In addition, it includes the poet, Virgil, and polymaths such as Avicenna. In spite of their wisdom and righteous lives, they still share the same fate, as other human beings, if they do not accept the divine life of Christ. The poem also illustrates the inevitability of God’s justice. God is notable as an entity that enacts its justice in a perfect sense such that every individual attains punishment according to the nature and amount of sin that one commits. For instance, while the wrathful eat the excrement of one another, the gluttonous fight among themselves. As Virgil and Dante enter the gates of Hell, there is the encryption â€Å"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here (Alighieri 24).† This denotes the inevitability of God’s punishment. In the end, individuals recive punishment for any amount of sin that one committed while living. It is essential to highlight of the special caste of the uncommitted individuals who still face regrettable punishment for their ambivalence in life. These people are neither in hell nor in heaven. In turn, Dante expresses the notion of divine punishment with respective moral messages by restructuring hell into different parts. In close relation to this concept , it is essential to highlight that poem illustrates the gradual human journey towards gaining righteousness. On the other hand, God is a merciful being who recognizes the inherent faults in the makeup of a human being. In addition, he recognizes the ambitions, such as lust, which compels human beings in sin. Before Dante begins his journey, he notes, â€Å"the fear in me subsided (Alighieri 17).† This statement comes after Dante had noted that he was in a dark forest that had triggered fear in him. In spite of his hopelessness, the light that shines in front of him grants hope. Dante appears as a sinful man who had resided in an earthly wisdom and love that blinds him into believing in his own willpower. God, however, is a merciful being who sends Virgil to guide trough a path of restoration. Dnate’s experience in hell should serve as a foundation for beginning a new life. The poem also entails the theme of God’s will on human lives. Inferno gives taxonomy of s in that the audience should explore and judge in independent parts. There is an underlying organizing principle that classifies human evil. For instance, the acceptance of bribe is manifested as worse than murder. It is critical to highlight that this organization follows the Christina’s doctrine. Fraud, thus, is a greater disrespect to God’s will than murder. According to the Biblical principle on love, fraud considerably flouts God’s expectation of how human beings should treat each other. It is discernible that

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